Guided competition


How It Works?

Possibility to consult our Teacher

During the competition you can talk and consult with the instructor via video


In each competition, 12 random games are played in 4 rounds

Analysis Results

In addition, we will select 4 special hands, analyze the announcement and hand play and send it to you

View the results

At the end of the competition you will receive a page with all hands and you can watch the results of the competition

Who is suitable?

לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית הועניב היושבב שערש שמחויט – שלושע ותלברו חשלו שעותלשך וחאית נובש ערששף. זותה מנק הבקיץ אפאח דלאמת יבש, כאנה ניצאחו נמרגי שהכים תוק, הדש שנרא התידם הכייר וק.

Guided competition takes place on the following days and hours:

Sunday evenings


Sundays at 19:00-20:45

What will we do?

4 hand surgery + guided competition at BBO

Tuesday mornings


Tuesdays at 10:30-13:00

What will we do?

4 hand surgery + guided competition at BBO

Combined subscription


Sundays at 19:00-20:45
Tuesdays at 10:30-13:00

What will we do?

4 hand surgery + guided competition at BBO

Registration for a guided competition


For couple

Start from ₪220

One time ticket

Start from ₪220

Registration for a guided competition


For couple

Start from ₪220

One time ticket

Start from ₪220


Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Perromy Bluff Kintz Taht Lachar. Lat Tsashakhmi Tsh Blia, Mansuto Tsmelh to Biko Nanbi, Tsamoko Blocaria.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Perromy Bluff Kintz Taht Lachar. Lat Tsashakhmi Tsh Blia, Mansuto Tsmelh to Biko Nanbi, Tsamoko Blocaria.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Perromy Bluff Kintz Taht Lachar. Lat Tsashakhmi Tsh Blia, Mansuto Tsmelh to Biko Nanbi, Tsamoko Blocaria.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Perromy Bluff Kintz Taht Lachar. Lat Tsashakhmi Tsh Blia, Mansuto Tsmelh to Biko Nanbi, Tsamoko Blocaria.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Perromy Bluff Kintz Taht Lachar. Lat Tsashakhmi Tsh Blia, Mansuto Tsmelh to Biko Nanbi, Tsamoko Blocaria.

Want to full package, a guided competition with our enrichment classes?

A special package that includes both enrichment classes and a guided competition
Only XXX NIS per player!